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  • Released Data: R$ -40.9 billion
  • BBG Median: R$ -39.5 billion
  • BSB Projection: R$ -40.2 billion


  • The Public Sector Primary Result for June showed a deficit of R$40.9 billion. Last month, the number reached R$63.9 billion, and last year, in June, it totaled R$48.9 billion.


  • Over the accumulated 12 months, the public sector deficit reached R$272 billion. The Central Government posted a deficit of R$292 billion, while regional governments and state-owned enterprises achieved a surplus of R$20 billion.


  • For this year to date, the public sector has accumulated a deficit of R$43.4 billion, with the Central Government contributing a deficit of R$70.6 billion, and regional governments and state-owned enterprises contributing a surplus of R$27.2 billion.


  • The General Government Gross Debt reached 77.8% of GDP, with domestic debt representing 67.9% of GDP and external debt 10% of GDP. General Government credits represent 25.7% of GDP, so the General Government Net Debt is equivalent to 62.9% of GDP. Twelve months ago, the DBGG was equivalent to 72.1% of GDP.

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