Media & News

maio 14, 2024 in Media & News

Minutes reinforce that votes for 0.50 pp followed technical criteria

By Francisco Carlos de Assis (Broadcast)   São Paulo, 05/14/2024 - Although the COPOM (The Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee) minutes had a rather harsh tone in their writing, according…
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maio 14, 2024 in Media & News

Despite the split over the size of the cut in the Selic rate, directors of the Central Bank agree that interest rates should become more restrictive.

The committee (Copom) of the Central Bank (BC) unanimously agreed that the more uncertain environment both domestically and internationally demands a more contractionary monetary policy, meaning a higher interest rate…
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janeiro 23, 2024 in Media & News

Top 5 Fiscal Prism – Jan/24

We joyfully announce that Buysidebrazil has achieved a Top 5 position in the Nominal Result of the Central Government in the latest Fiscal Prism ranking from the Ministry of Finance.…
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janeiro 23, 2024 in Media & News

Buysidebrazil reached the Focus top 5 for IPCA (CPI) in October/23.

It is with great joy that we communicate to our clients and partners that Buysidebrazil has achieved the Top 5 position in the Central Bank's Focus regarding short-term IPCA in…
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outubro 16, 2023 in Media & News

Top 5 – FOCUS Market Readout – Sep/23

Top 5 Focus Market Readout – Sep/23   We are delighted to share that Buysidebrazil has achieved the latest Short-Term IPCA Top 5 ranking for September/23. This is the first…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Financial Times 08/02/2023

Financial Times 08/02/2023 Latin America’s central banks set to declare victory in the war on inflation Brazil, one of the nimblest and most aggressive emerging markets to raise interest rates,…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Infomoney: 07/12/2023

Mild inflation in the US in June enhances the chance of the Fed delivering just one more hike on interest rates, analysts say Economists say FOMC’s pausing strategy gives time…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 07/07/2023

Buysidebrazil now predicts a faster yield cut cycle with tax and revision/benchmark IPCA (Consumer Price Index) After a victorious week for the government in Congress, with the progress of measures…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 06/28/2023

Copom’s minutes strengthen expectations for the beginning of Selic cuts in August Those who expected a Selic cut in September anticipated their projections, which were reflected in asset prices The…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 06/29/2023

Buysidebrazil / Ariana Zerbinatti: We see a R$ 107,5 billion deficit for the Central Government by 2023 Buysidebrazil partner and senior economist Ariana Zerbinatti projects a primary deficit of R$…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

O Globo: 06/21/2023

Central Bank keeps Selic unaltered at 13.75%, does not indicate a cut in August, and asks for ‘patience and serenity The decision frustrates expectations of a brighter signaling from the…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 06/21/2023

Analysts highlight CB’s reading of “caution and parsimony”, but keep projection on cuts Opinion is that the Central Bank didn’t want to commit itself to a date at the beginning…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

CNN Brasil: 06/18/2023

CNN Brasil: 06/18/2023 Wholesale prices fell 7%, the largest drop in 28 years, and helped to lower interest rates In the view of economists, a strong deflation in commodity prices…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

CNN Brasil: 06/16/2023

CNN Brasil: 06/16/2023 Cheap dollar and cut in gas prices take to new round in revisions on inflation Banks and brokers are cutting projections on the 2023 IPCA as recent…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 06/15/2023

Broadcast: 06/15/2023 Special: Real’s volatility drops to its lowest level since 2019 with Fiscal Framework and disinflation in the US The implied volatility of the Brazilian real has plummeted in…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 06/13/2023

InfoMoney: 06/13/2023 Fed’s pause in hikes might come with higher projections and harsher tones, analysts say Besides the decision, the market will observe if the voting was divided and if…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 06/07/2023

InfoMoney: 06/07/2023   A new positive surprise with the IPCE leaves room for the Central Bank to start cutting rates in August, analysts say Moderate food inflation and the slowdown…
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agosto 21, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 06/02/2023

Valor Econômico: 06/02/2023 Weak industry in April indicates a continuity of deceleration in 2nd quarter, the economist evaluates Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist of Armor Capital, believes that the…
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agosto 16, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 04/24/2023

Broadcast: 04/24/2023   Special: Adjustments on spending predicted by the Fiscal Framework would only lose to Temer Administration’s performance Despite the market's negative sentiment towards the final version of the…
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agosto 16, 2023 in Media & News

Bloomberg Línea: 03/21/2023

Bloomberg Línea: 03/21/2023   Fiscal Framework: market’s doubts about the rules proposed by the government. To economists, the new fiscal rules aren’t enough to reach the projections shown by the…
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março 17, 2023 in Media & News

Veja: 17/03/2023

Veja: 17/03/2023   Despite the still significant pressure on services inflation in Brazil, economists agree that the economy is already in a disinflationary process. Chief economist at Armor Capital, Andrea…
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março 6, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Econômico (interview): 06/03/2023

Valor Econômico (interview): 06/03/2023   Brazil usually shows much higher core inflation than developed countries, partially due to an also higher inflation target, according to Andréa Damico, partner and chief…
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março 2, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 02/03/2023

InfoMoney: 02/03/2023   Investment shrinks in 4Q22  Andrea Damico – partner and chief economist at Armor Capital – also highlighted the strong investments drop in that period, after important advances…
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março 1, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 01/03/2023

InfoMoney: 01/03/2023   High-interest rates impact   Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist at Armor Capital, foresees GDP stability in 4Q22, reflecting the positive services sector performance in that period.…
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fevereiro 17, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 17/02/2023

Broadcast: 17/02/2023 Armor Capital’s chief economist, Andréa Damico, observes that, given the relevant domestic data releases, the exchange rate reacted mainly to his week’s political news. Despite no further details,…
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fevereiro 7, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Investe: 07/02/2023

Valor Investe: 07/02/2023   Positive signalization to the Finance Ministry, but maintaining its independence The Copom (Monetary Policy Committee) tried to send a positive message to the Finance Ministry in…
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fevereiro 1, 2023 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 01/02/2023

InfoMoney: 01/02/2023 Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist at Armor Capital, joined the InfoMoney livestream about the Copom decision last week. She highlighted the most important topics on the Copom…
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janeiro 25, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 25/01/2023

Valor Econômico: 25/01/2023 Armor Capital’s chief economist, Andréa Damico, observed that Brazilian mid-month inflation (IPCA-15) showed a 5.87% increase in 12 months in January, compared to the 5.90% advance in…
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janeiro 16, 2023 in Media & News

Broadcast: 01/16/2023

Broadcast: 01/16/2023 SPECIAL: FOCUS REACTS TO RISK OF IPCA’S TARGETS REVISION WITH FISCAL FEARS AND BCB DIRECTOR’S INDICATION     According to the Armor Capital chief economist, Andrea Damico, the…
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janeiro 11, 2023 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 01/11/2023

Valor Econômico: 01/11/2023 “Despite the higher result in December, commodity prices in BRL and wholesale prices, with industrial core showing deflation, are compatible with these manufacturing prices’ downward trend”, affirms…
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dezembro 19, 2022 in Media & News

BM&C Podcast – Marcelo Alonso: 12/19/2022

BM&C Podcast – Marcelo Alonso: 12/19/2022 I was invited by “Invight” to attend their new podcast with BM&C News. Thank you for the opportunity, Pedro Crespi and Marco Saravalle, it…
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dezembro 7, 2022 in Media & News

O Globo: 12/07/2022

O Globo: 12/07/2022   On the contrary, Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist at Armor Capital, believes that a more negative scenario has become more likely, with a higher inflation…
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dezembro 7, 2022 in Media & News

TradeMap: 12/07/2022

TradeMap: 12/07/2022   According to Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist at Armor Capital, the Central Bank (BC) intensified its concerns with the fiscal outlook, which had been already expected…
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dezembro 6, 2022 in Media & News

Folha de São Paulo: 12/06/2022

Folha de São Paulo: 12/06/2022   Andrea Damico, partner, and chief economist at Armor Capital, affirms that the R$ 150 billion or R$ 200 billion of extra spending will imply…
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dezembro 5, 2022 in Media & News


“The Central Bank forecasts, mainly for 2023, called my attention. They consider the non-reinstatement of fuel prices taxes as a downward risk to the inflation outlook. But there was also…
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novembro 30, 2022 in Media & News

CEIC Data Brasil Event

This morning was full of knowledge interchanges at our edition of CEIC Data Talk, which held the theme: Brazilian economic post-election outlook. Our guests, Andrea Bastos Damico and Roberio Costa,…
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novembro 24, 2022 in Media & News

CNN Brasil: 11/24/2022

CNN Brasil: 11/24/2022   According to Andrea Damico, partner and chief economist at Armor Capital, the still high interest rate scenario in the first half of the year is a…
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novembro 18, 2022 in Media & News

Estadão: 11/18/2022

Public Debt If the PEC’s proposal does not be modified, Armor Capital estimates that the country's gross public debt could reach 95% of GDP by 2026 from around 77% expected…
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novembro 17, 2022 in Media & News

Estadão: 11/17/2022

The strong increase in public debt path simulation considers that the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) will not be changed at Congress. This estimation, therefore, may change depending on PEC’s draft…
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outubro 22, 2022 in Media & News

Estadão: 10/22/2022

Estadão: 10/22/2022   Considering Andrea Damico, partner and chief economist at Armor Capital, forecasts, after three years of upside pressures, food-at-home prices (3.5%) will increase less than the whole IPCA…
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outubro 18, 2022 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 11/18/2022

“It is a severe scenario. On the fiscal balance front, the PEC (Constitutional Amendment Proposal) brings a totally opposite signal of fiscal irresponsibility", says Andrea Damico, partner and chief economist…
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outubro 11, 2022 in Media & News

O Globo: 10/11/2022

O Globo: 10/11/2022 Andrea Damico, chief economist at Armor Capital, agrees:   There would be room for a 5% gasoline and 10% diesel prices adjustments, however it is very unlikely…
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outubro 2, 2022 in Media & News

Bloomberg Línea: 10/02/2022

Bloomberg Línea: 10/02/2022   “Even though the GDP has been surprising to the upside, we see a more challenging period ahead, especially next year, given the monetary tightening”, says Andrea…
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setembro 3, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 09/03/2022

Valor Econômico: 09/03/2022   “In a certain way, this gap reduction supports the Real performance”, says the partner and chief economist at Armor Capital, Andrea Damico. She notes that the…
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agosto 31, 2022 in Media & News

InfoMoney: 08/31/2022

InfoMoney: 08/31/2022 “We mainly highlight the services rendered to families performance, a group that has not returned yet to its the pre-pandemic level and may keep benefited the economic growth…
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agosto 17, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 08/17/2022

Real depreciates after unsurprising Fed’s Minutes The Real upward trend lost strength throughout the day, as foreign capital inflow counterbalanced the negative expectations before the minutes release. “The market apparently…
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agosto 15, 2022 in Media & News

CNN Brasil: 08/15/2022

CNN Brasil: 08/15/2022   Partner and chief economist at Armor Capital, Andrea Damico, has explained in an interview to CNN Brazil, the factors that has been favoring the fuel prices…
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agosto 9, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Investe: 08/09/22

Valor Investe: 08/09/22   Monetary Policy Committee Minutes reinforce 13.75% scenario for SELIC rate for a longer period, says Armor The institution expects that the Central Bank will reduce the…
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julho 26, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 07/26/22

Valor Econômico: 07/26/22     Link:
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julho 20, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 07/20/2022

Valor Econômico: 20/07/2022   Armor Capital estimates a 0.15 p.p. impact on inflation, resulting in a declining 2022 IPCA forecast to 7.3%, says the chief economist Andrea Damico. Economists calculate…
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julho 11, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 07/11/2022

Valor Econômico: 07/11/2022   Risk of global deceleration grows, but recession is not clear yet, says Andrea Damico   According to Armor Capital chief economist, the main doubt about a…
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julho 1, 2022 in Media & News

Investing: 07/01/2022

Investing: 07/01/2022   “Several data released during this week pointed to a higher chance of recession in the United States. Theoretically, a weaker American economy tends to weaken the dollar.…
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junho 23, 2022 in Media & News

Folha de São Paulo: 06/23/2022

Folha de São Paulo: 06/23/2022   Andrea Damico, Armor Capital chief economist, also considers that it is not the ideal moment to announce changes in inflation target. According to her,…
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junho 21, 2022 in Media & News

O Globo: 06/21/2022

O Globo: 06/21/2022 According to Andrea Damico, Armor Capital’s chief economist, the Copom minutes were not that hawkish, because the Central Bank signed more than once that it will likely…
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junho 15, 2022 in Media & News

IstoÉ: 06/15/2022

IstoÉ: 06/15/2022   ANDREA DAMICO, PARTNER AND CHIEF ECONOMIST, ARMOR CAPITAL   “The fact that it (Central Bank) recognizes that there should be a smaller increase than 50 bps –…
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junho 15, 2022 in Media & News

O Globo: 06/15/2022

O Globo: 06/15/2022   Andrea Damico, Armor Capital chief economist, highlights that despite an even stronger Fed Funds increase tomorrow, Brazilian Central Bank should keep a 50 bps Selic rate…
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junho 9, 2022 in Media & News

O Globo: 06/09/2022

Before expecting a Selic rate slightly above 14%, Andrea Damico, chief economist at Armor Capital, now sees more chances of the Central Bank delivering a less intense monetary tightening on…
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junho 3, 2022 in Media & News

G1: 06/03/2022

“The interest rate hikes start to largely impact activity in the second half of the year, but its maximum effect will only be observed in 2023. We have already reviewed…
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março 8, 2022 in Media & News

Valor Econômico: 03/08/22

Valor Econômico: 03/08/22    
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