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Valor Econômico: 25/01/2023

By janeiro 25, 2023agosto 10th, 2023No Comments1 min read

Valor Econômico: 25/01/2023

Armor Capital’s chief economist, Andréa Damico, observed that Brazilian mid-month inflation (IPCA-15) showed a 5.87% increase in 12 months in January, compared to the 5.90% advance in December. “We believe that inflation will decelerate throughout the year. We do not expect deflation ahead, but we foresee a more moderate increases scenario”.


IPCA-15 accelerates in January, but it does not concerns

The 0,55% MoM increase was concentrated on more volatile items. The National Broad Consumer Price Index-15 (IPCA-15) rose 0.55% in January, after a 0.52% increase in December 2022, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The result was above market expectations collected by Valor Data (0.52%). However, economists emphasized that.


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